20TH March 2013 was like any other Wednesday to me. Getting up, having my breakfast and taking my daily dose of aspirin, by which I am referring to reading the newspaper.

I usually look into the sports page first, but that day nothing interesting took place in the world of sports. I then turned the page to update myself about the happenings around the globe, and one particular article grabbed my attention. The article was about Iraq. It gave an insight into the bruised and bloodied Iraq. The country that once boasted of early civilisations and modernisations, had now become crippled with violence and innumerable civil wars.

I have always been interested in the Middle East, especially the countries where wars are as common as hot dogs in the United States. I wanted to go into Iraq or Syria and peek into the lives of these poor innocents who are caught in the middle of this violence. I too wanted to feel like them to understand them better, to understand the fear that they have. But as I read through the article, chills ran down my spines as it read that since 2003 over 4,804 soldiers and 122,000 civilians (figures according to 2013) had died in the collision that had taken place between the US and the Iraqi army (US had invaded Iraq as it believed that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction. No such weapons were found). The war had taken over many lives and made Iraq a battle ground for conflicts. Since then civil wars are regular occurrences due to a weak government and the heavy presence of American soldiers is not really appreciated by the citizens.



Iraq has been bombed, fired and destroyed. This had actually started with Saddam Hussain, as most of us know about the Operation Desert storm (once again led by the US), which successfully overthrew the autocratic dictator. Saddam Hussain was no saint as he himself had a notorious reputation of killing and torturing many women, men and children (mostly Kurdish, whom he believed did not belong in Iraq). The USA took advantage of this terror embedded in the citizens’ minds and ‘helped’ them to get rid of Saddam Hussain (while pursuing their main agenda of acquiring oil from the oil rich Iraq). US then placed its own government in Iraq.

Since then there has been minor conflicts leading to several deaths. Due to such disturbances, a lack of a strong government and dissatisfaction among the citizens of Iraq, the country has now become a hub for extremist/ terrorist organizations.The frustration with their own government, the inactivity of the United Nations and the precarious state of their living conditions has also compelled many young men to join such organizations, maybe in the hope for revenge(many still hold America responsible for their present condition), or maybe in hope for a better life. The fast growing jihadi organization- ISIS has also captured significant parts of the city and carry out frequent bombings and tortures. The Iraqi women are also sold as sex slaves to this organization(this particular topic deserves a whole another article). The violence spares no one- it has orphaned many kids, snatched children from their parents, separated husbands and wives, sisters and brothers. Every Iraqi lives in fear about their unpredictable future. Think about it- someone tells you that you MAY die, there is no surety, no time given, just that you most probably will die any time. How will you feel?




Every Iraqi lives in this fear EVERY SINGLE DAY. Many can even distinguish between the sound of a commercial plane and that of a terrorist airplane.

As I read the article, I found myself asking- where was the United Nations now? Why aren’t they acting upon it?

At that time I couldn’t help but wonder about the future of Iraq, and now after 3 years the condition has deteriorated. The terrorists have made it their safe haven, the US doesn’t seem willing to leave, there is no strong government needed to rule a country and violence has only increased. I believe that even the Iraqis have stopped dreaming of a better world. They have reached acceptance, and who can blame them? All they have ever known is a life of torture and sorrow and the uncertainty of life and death, quite literary.

Through this article I don’t want to invoke a sense of sympathy for them, I want to make people aware of the country and the people who lack a voice. I want the children of that country to have a chance at life and have dreams of their own, I want happy families and peace as is deserved by every human who walks on this earth.


  1. Sadly this is the reality of the modern world. Big, powerful countries drive the international opinion and discourse for their own interests. Countries like Iraq/Syria/Egypt/Libya are mere pawns in the larger game. Their internal strife is milked for their natural resources. Lamentable but real.
    Excellent post. Keep up the good work. Happy blogging. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I would argue that the fighting started earlier than the first Gulf War.
    If you were to consider the geopolitics of it, the events preceding the Gulf War where they involved themselves in the Soviet-Afghan War (which led to the Iran-Iraq war), and immediately before that was Afrika Campaign by the Germans during World War 2.
    So since early twentieth century, Iraq has been a battlefield and when successive generations grow up in that sort of environment, it’s little wonder that the fighting continues to today.
    The only option really is education, but America didn’t have the political will to continue and pulled out…
    Regardless, I’m going on a tangent. Great post, keep it up 🙂


  3. As bloggeray said, this is unfortunately, the lot of many “underdeveloped” nations. Bush went into Iraq for the oil, period. And of course, the destruction in the aftermath gave Cheney’s former company, Halliburton, nice juicy rebuilding contracts. It’s all about the Do-Re-Mi.
    Good to meet you!


  4. Beautifully written. Appreciate the research that has gone into writing something like this. You should, when free, check out Governor Jesse interviews. He is probably the only politician who speaks out loud about the truth behind American invasions- precisely why he is banned from live TV shows. He is also the author of “DemoCrips and ReBloodicans” . Just saying because you seem to be interested in the real time current research.
    Good work. Once again, great research . 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. This article highlights all the things the media fail to approach and speak about it, and I agree countries deserve to have a voice. Yet, the sad reality of it all is they don’t. This is due to multiple factors, and majorly power, although this is really unfair it’s life. And what’s really ironic is that the UK (my home) funded the IS to kill more Syrians. It is literally a circle of death.

    Amazing, and a good, rich read! Added to all the countries like that is Palestine I think, and the majority of deaths of these kind of wars are children who have done nothing wrong.

    Well done, anyways! ☺️💖

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Such an eye-opener to the dirty reality of the Wests role in Iraq and many other countries in which they invade with the only intent to colonise and get rid of not the terrorists or weapons, but like your graphs prove – just innocent civilians. Very beneficial post, look forward to more 💯


  7. First of all, I am glad you read the papers everyday and not just the page 3 celebrity nonsense like most people, hats off. Next, this is a well written post and I hope that this creates awareness about the crisis many people face in war torn and conflict Zones. This is very well written and very insightful.
    Based on this blog, I would like to make a suggestion to you, Why don’t you also look into the atrocities committed by the Indian army and BSF in Kashmir and the terror regime in north east states under AFSPA, the fact that the indian government misuses its military power in these regions and tortures its own citizens is very well hidden in public media. Though this issue is always seen in the context of anti – india or anti- national, it is never seen from the point of view of poor suffering citizens. I am sure, you will gain a lot of insight through this experience.
    Based on the general idea of your thinking and the direction of your blog, I think you will do extremely well in political science or sociology , for higher education and future career.

    Great post, keep up the good work.


    • Thank you. Yes i have read about the kashmir issue and all i can say is our government hasnt really handled the issue very well. Since its inception india never bothered to ask the opinions of the citizens even though itwas promised. Also the interference of the centre in the state makes matters worse.
      I would like to be a journalist who brings about a change and not talk about page 3 news. I believe media is strong and it should be used for bringing a positive change


  8. There are a huge number of people in the world suffering from one or the other abuse of this so called modern society ! There problems are seen by everybody, helped by few and ignored by many !

    Nice article !
    i wish that every citizen of this world works to make this world a better place to live !


  9. The American elites are controlling this whole thing. There is no telling what the future is for the average Iraqi citizen, but it doesn’t sound good. I am very sorry for their losses, but I don’t see the torment stopping until literally World War III.


  10. Sad, but true… A great article though. Your effort for writing down something unique, unlike the celebrity gossips, is commendable. Keep it up…

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Wow, this is really good. If I read this in my local newspaper, it wouldn’t look out of place at all. You have a good direction for your posts and you don’t beat around the bush as you address the problem directly. The pace is steady. I also want to appreciate you for reading the newspaper daily. I could really learn something from you. Keep up the amazing work.


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